In the advent of the industrial revolution (IR) 4.0, the ASEAN integration, the dawning of the 21st Century Learning Framework, the passing of the PQF into law, the implementation of the K to 12, the green TVET imprimatur, the recently approved 2023 2028 NTESDP and other significant developments in the educational landscape local and abroad, the center must fast tract its development pace to maintain its relevance and to cope up with the challenges of continuously delivering quality assured, innovative and industry led TVET in the region, as it did for the past four decades.
Hence this 2024-2028 Institutional Development Plan was crafted. For this IDP, the regional training center calibrated its vision, mission, and core values to invigorate the center and refocus its direction as an enabler of TVET in the region. The calibrated vision and mission are aimed to build the center’s capacity and capability in its key area of development towards becoming an enabler of TVET.
TESDA RTC 1 Mission:
Provide high quality, innovative and relevant technical-vocational education, and skills development for productive, competitive, and professional workforce in the region.
TESDA RTC 1 Vision:
A leading institute of quality assured, innovative, and industry-led technical education and skills development in the region.
TESDA RTC 1 Culture and Core Values:
Since the direction of the Regional Training Center is to become an industry-led TVET provider, the center subscribes to the nine essence of organizational core values as follows:
1. Technology driven: The center TVET courses and training delivery will always leverage on new technology.
2. Efficiency: The center will always optimize efficiency in its operation and use of its resources.
3. Service oriented: In compliance to the new tag line of TESDA, the center will always give service with a heart
4. Development centered: It aims to create products and services that resonate with users’ needs and preferences
5. Accountability: This serves as the bond that ties commitment to the result
6. Relevant programs: the essence of becoming industry led TVET provider is to always offer relevant courses
7. TVET focused: Providing quality TVET programs that meets industry needs and empower individuals to create their own jobs
8. Customer care: All stakeholders both internal and external are valued customers and that we care for them.
9. Integrity: Doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.”
TESDA RTC 1 Goals:
1. Responsive, relevant, and quality TVET programs offerings.
2. Updating and upgrading of training tools, materials, equipment, facilities and learning packages
3. Comprehensive Training Support Services for trainees and graduates
4. Enhance Industry Collaboration and partnership.
5. Enhance Quality Management Systems
6. Comprehensive, purposive and relevant trainers and Staff development
7. Green TVET Implementation
8. Comprehensive Facility and Equipment Maintenance

The Regional Training Center No. 1 (RTC 1) was created in April 30, 1977 thru the provisions of Presidential Decree No. 442 under Book II Article 47. It is one of the ten skills training center set-up by the national government nationwide in affirmation of its commitment to the development of the country’s manpower resources in the 1970s.
Now on its 43rd year of existence, RTC 1 have been continuously recognized as one of the pioneer in the field of skills training in the region.
Since its establishment in 1977, the journey of the center in terms of quality training has significantly evolved. The quality focus of the center has expanded towards its overall operation systems. The Training Center have been given quality recognitions such as productivity award by the Regional Development Council under the cluster of the TESDA Regional Office in 2009, “VERY GOOD” rating by the Civil Service Commission’s Public Service Delivery Audit (PASADA) in 2010, and “BRONZE LEVEL” accreditation by the Asia Pacific Accreditation and Certification Commission (APACC) also in 2010.