RTCLU and PTCPang Supports Pangasinan Cong. Celeste’s Livelihood Program for PDLs

By: Francis Kenneth M. Alamay, TESD Specialist II The TESDA-Regional Training Center La Union (RTCLU) and the Provincial Training Center – Pangasinan (PTCPang) supported the conduct of Carpentry NCII Training Program for twenty-five (25) Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDLs) currently detained at the BJMP-Alaminos, Pangasinan from June 13-29, 2024. This training is funded by the continue reading : RTCLU and PTCPang Supports Pangasinan Cong. Celeste’s Livelihood Program for PDLs

Test Run: DAIKIN Airconditioning Philippines Inc. and RTCLU Pilots Industry-Led Training on Commercial Air-conditioning in Region 1

By: Francis Kenneth M. Alamay, TESD Specialist II In the fulfillment of our Memorandum of Agreement, to increase the number of installers in the region, among updating and upskilling them with the latest technologies, DAIKIN Airconditioning Philippines Inc. and TESDA Regional Training Center (La Union) pilots a “Training Course on ASEAN and Oceania Standards on continue reading : Test Run: DAIKIN Airconditioning Philippines Inc. and RTCLU Pilots Industry-Led Training on Commercial Air-conditioning in Region 1

Sparks Of Second Chances: TESDA-RTCLU Partners with DSWD1-RRCY to Deliver SMAW Training to CICLs

By: Francis Kenneth M. Alamay, TESD Specialist II In support to the mandate of the Regional Rehabilitation Center for Youth (RRCY) of the Department of Social Welfare and Development Region 1, to provide meaningful activities that aim to hasten the healing and recovery of children in conflict with the law, TESDA-RTCLU conducts Training in Shielded continue reading : Sparks Of Second Chances: TESDA-RTCLU Partners with DSWD1-RRCY to Deliver SMAW Training to CICLs