After the successful certification of our to use Google Tools for Education, another certification came in the presence of our IT Specialist and TESD Specialist II Mr. Kristoffer John G. Ambueguia after passing the Google Educator Level I Certification exams last September 22, 2020 via online. Mr. Ambueguia, was granted an examination voucher by continue reading : Another Google Certification for teamRTC1…
Center conducts Training Induction Program for Automotive NC I
Before the formal opening of classes on September 14, 2020, a Training Induction Program for Automotive NC I was conducted at the Centers’ Multi-purpose Hall with our Center Administrator, Artemio S. Pulido and his Automotive Servicing NC I Trainer, Blesmelord E. Tabafunda as the Induction Officers and Speakers. “Let me quote Henry Ford, anyone who continue reading : Center conducts Training Induction Program for Automotive NC I
After the succesful application for the domain, the Regional Training Center No. 1 has been approved by Google to use its Google Suite Services for the domain The Google Suite for Education includes free use of Gmail, Google Office Apps and Google Meet which will be used primarily during the conduct of Online continue reading : TESDA-RTC1 now GOOGLE SUITE powered
TESDA-RTC 1 Learning Management System is now online…
After the successful contract signing for webhosting, the Regional Training Center No. 1 Development Team soft-launched the e-learning site initially having three course offerings intended for facilitating online TVET learning sessions. The team composed of all the trainers in the center is led by Mr. Kristoffer John G. Ambueguia, a TESD Specialist II and currently continue reading : TESDA-RTC 1 Learning Management System is now online…