By: Francis Kenneth M. Alamay, TESD Specialist II
The TESDA Regional Training Center-La Union (RTCLU), in partnership with the Rotary Club of San Fernando, La Union (RCSFLU), and the PDG Rudy Nisce Foundation Inc. (PDGRNFI) started a Training on Shielded Metal Arc Welding NCI dubbed as “Sparks of Skill Year 2” to twenty-five trainees selected from the center’s waiting list, on June 18, 2024 at the center’s SMAW Trade Area.
The event was graced by TESDA Region 1 Director Joel M. Pilotin, RCSFLU President Vernon Cabading, PDGRNFI Chairman Silverio Mangaoang Jr. and RTCLU Chief Artemio S. Pulido. Also, during the event, the Rotary Club and PDG Rudy Nisce Foundation, Inc. awarded additional training tools, supplies and materials to the RTCLU for the said training.
Furthermore, a Memorandum of Agreement by and between the three parties was inked by TESDA-RO1 Director Joel M. Pilotin, RCSFLU President-Elect Adrian Gabriel Go, and PDGRSNF Chairman Silverio Mangaoang Jr., aimed to jointly implement programs and projects along technical-vocational education and training (TVET) to the community.
“This momentous day is not for the TESDA, Rotary Club nor the PDG Rudy Nisce Foundation to tell in the future, but yours (pertaining to the participants). That once in your life, a triumvirate united with same purpose to alleviate your lives, has worked together to bring you hope full of opportunities ahead, by honing your skills – in this case, in welding” says Chairman Mangaoang on his Inspirational Message.
“Everything starts in a simple single step. Just like how a single spark, with proper persistence and discipline, can lead to the making of different metal crafts, may our simple investment to you (pertains to trainees) with our noble partners in the business community – the Rotary Club and the PDG Rudy Nisce Foundation Inc., bring you more opportunities for a much brighter future” adds RTC Chief Pulido.
This training is expected to be completed until July 19, 2024. (????)