By: Francis Kenneth M. Alamay, TESD Specialist II


The Search for the TESDA-Regional Training Center (La Union) Best Trade Area 2024 has culminated on April 30, 2024 as part of the center’s 47th Anniversary celebration. After a series of evaluations, three trade areas were recognized as the best qualification offerings of the center which are Electrical Installation and Maintenance, Computer Systems Servicing and Domestic Work ranked from first to third, respectively. Trainers of the said qualifications have received the awards namely Mr. Jovencio F. Panida, Ms. Dana Kate J. Pulido and Ms. Doris C. Lunzaga.

The Search for TESDA-RTCLU’s Best Trade Area is a year-long competition designed to recognize the trade areas that implement best practices in terms of teaching methods, workshop structures, cleanliness, orderliness, and other training related requisites. This also give premium to trainers who have exerted a lot in the improvement of their workshops, and of contributing to the successful accomplishment of RTC’s target programs and projects.

The competition involved External Evaluators including Dr. Victorio M. Palabay – College Dean of the DMMMSU-MLUC College of Technology, and Mr. Benito L. Macalinao – Chairman of the TESDA-RTCLU Technical Advisory Council, together with the center’s top management Mr. Artemio S. Pulido, Engr. Arturo G. Gañalon and Ms. Evelyn C. Ramos.

On his message during the awarding ceremony, Center Chief Artemio S. Pulido emphasized the significance of having competitions as such to ensure efficiency in the delivery of quality TVET by timely checking the best practices of each trade areas.

“This prestigious award inspires us to further reflect our commitment towards delivering TVET at its best quality, etching mark to the lives of our trainees and clients” added Mr. Panida, the Overall Champion.
